What are essential oils?
Essential oils are aromatic compounds found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants. Plants have been used for years as medicine and healing agents. The healing properties of these different plants can be found in the esential oil form of these natural medicines.
What is aromatherapy?
Aromatherapy is the therapeutic technique of using essential oils through inhalation often through a diffuser. The benefits of essential oils can also be absorbed through the skin by diluting and applying them on your body and some are safe to ingest.
How does aromatherapy work?
The molecules in essential oils enter your system through small receptors in your nose or through the skin. They then enter blood vessels, get circulated throughout the body and communicate with your cells in different ways. On an emotional level, essential oils have been shown to work by positively affect the nervous system and the limbic system of the brain (center of emotions).
Essential oils have been proven to have a therapeutic effect on different emotional conditions and states such as anxiety, depression, irritability, moodiness and insomnia.
Because different plants have different healing effects, different essential oils are used for different symptoms and conditions.
The most effective essential oils I have found for mood management are through DoTerra.
Through their Emotional Aromatherapy Kit, Do Terra has created essential oil BLENDS that combine different oils, making them effective for different emotional states.
As a science-y, book-lover gal that only likes to use research-based techniques, I spent a few days reading up on essential oils for mental health and mood management to ensure they matched up with the DoTerra blends. And guess what? They do!
Below the kit description, I list various symptoms/emotional states and the essential oils recommended for those states from science-based literature. I’ve then matched up which blend from the DoTerra Emotional Aromatherapy Kit is best to use for that state (i.e. that blend has the most essential oils from the science-based recommendations for that state).
What's in the DoTerra Emotional Aromatherapy Kit?
Peppermint, clementine, coriander, basil, melissa, rosemary, yuzu
$39.33 CAD
Spruce, bergamot, juniper, myrrh, arborvitae, thyme, citronella, Nootka tree wood
$34.33 CAD
Wild orange, clove, lemon, nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon, star anise, vanilla bean
$42.67 CAD
Frankincense, patchouli, ylang ylang, sandalwood, rose, amyris, osmanthus
$63.33 CAD
Cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, clove bud, sandalwood, jasmine, vanilla bean, damiana, coconut oil
$57.89 CAD
Vetiver, lavender, ylang ylang, frankincense, clary sage, marjoram, spearmint
$51.33 CAD
Anxiety &Worry
General Anxiety
Best oils to use: bergamot, vetiver, juniper, patchouli, lavender, sandalwood, cedarwood, frankinscence, clary sage, geranium, rose otto, melissa, neroli
Best DoTerra blend (combines the most oils from above) = PEACE and CONSOLE
Best oils to use: lavender, ylang ylang, clary sage, frankincense, sandalwood, geranium, chamomile roman
Best DoTerra blend = PEACE
Best oils to use: sandalwood, vetiver, bergamot, cedarwood, frankincense, lavender, lemon, orange, basil, clary sage, cypress
Best DoTerra blend = PEACE
Fear of Failure
Best oils to use: coriander, ylang ylang, frankincense, basil, fennel
Best DoTerra blend to use = PEACE with MOTIVATE
Fear of Change
Best oils to use: ylang ylang, frankincense, lavender
Best DoTerra blend to use = PEACE
Best oils to use: coriander, ylang ylang, basil, frankincense
Best DoTerra blend to use = MOTIVATE with PEACE
Panic Attacks
Best oils to use: lavender, frankincense
Best blend to use = PEACE
Depression & Sadness
General Feelings of Sadness or Depression
Best oils to use: bergamot, orange, ylang ylang, clary sage, lavender, lemon, jasmine, sandalwood, frankincense
Best DoTerra blend to use = PEACE
Crying Frequently
Best oils to use: sandalwood, patchouli, ylang ylang, rose otto, geranium, chamomile roman, neroli
Best DoTerra blend to use = CONSOLE
Anxious or Agitated Depression
Best oils to use: lavender, bergamot, lemon, orange, nutmeg, chamomile roman, cedarwood
Best DoTerra blend to use = CHEER
Lethargic Depression (sleeping a lot)
Best oils to use: clary sage, eucalyptus, cypress, peppermint, grapefruit, rosemary, melissa
Best DoTerra blend to use = MOTIVATE
Best oils to use: ylang ylang, lavender, patchouli, lemon, eucalyptus
Best DoTerra blend to use = CONSOLE
Feelings of Worthlessness
Best oils to use: frankincense, sandalwood, clove, cedarwood, geranium, chamomile roman
Best DoTerra blend to use = CONSOLE with PASSION
For Addictive Behaviours
Best oils to use: vetiver, rose otto, basil, frankincense
Best DoTerra blend to use = PEACE
Best oils to use: bergamot, vanilla, spruce, thyme, frankincense, nutmeg, chamomile
Best DoTerra blend to use = FORGIVE with CONSOLE
Best oils to use: bergamot, thyme, clary sage, nutmeg, ylang ylang, vetiver
Best DoTerra blend to use = FORGIVE with PEACE
To Increase Self-Esteem
Best oils to use: vetiver, sandalwood, ylang ylang, jasmine, bergamot, cedar wood, geranium, rose maroc
Best DoTerra blend to use = PEACE
To Improve Self-Image
Best oils to use: orange, ylang ylang, jasmine, cypress, cedarwood, black pepper, lavender, sandalwood, juniper, frankincense
Best DoTerra blend to use = CONSOLE
Irritability & Agitation
Best oils to use: lavender, vetiver, ylang ylang, bergamot, patchouli, rose otto, chamomile roman & german, cedarwood
Best DoTerra blend to use = PEACE and/or CONSOLE
Best oils to use: ylang ylang, lavender, melissa, coriander, cypress, chamomile roman & German
Best DoTerra blend to use = PEACE with MOTIVATE
Quarrelsomeness (argumentative)
Best oils to use: clary sage, lemon, patchouli, clove, lavender, sandalwood
Best blend to use - PEACE and CONSOLE
Insomnia & Fatigue
Best oils to use: bergamot, rosemary, eucalyptus, cypress, ginger, grapefruit, lemon, pine, frankincense, cardamom
Best DoTerra blend to use = PASSION with CHEER (use in the morning)
Best oils to use: lavender, clary sage, sandalwood, vetiver, chamomile roman valerian
Best DoTerra blend to use = PEACE or SERENITY (use at night)
For Alertness
Best oils to use: cardamom, basil, rosemary, coriander, cinnamon, eucalyptus, juniper, thyme, peppermint, bergamot
Best DoTerra blend to use = MOTIVATE
For Concentration
Best oils to use: lemon, lemongrass, cardamom, orange, rosemary, peppermint, basil, bergamot, cedarwood, eucalyptus
Best DoTerra blend to use = MOTIVATE
To Grow & Rise
For Greater Confidence
Best oils to use: coriander, bergamot, jasmine, rosemary, cypress, cardamom, ginger, grapefruit, pine, orange
Best DoTerra blend to use = PASSION and/or MOTIVATE
For Greater Assertion
Best oils to use: jasmine, cypress, frankinscence, ylang, ylang, bergamot, cardamom, basil, ginger, patchouli, coriander, orange, black pepper
Best DoTerra blend to use = PASSION
For Greater Creativity
Best oils to use: bergamot, frankinscence, lemon, geranium, rose otto, jasmine, clove, saldalwood, juniper
Best DoTerra blend to use = PASSION with CONSOLE
For Self-Awareness
Best oils to use: clary sage, cypress, pine, clove, coriander, sage, ylang ylang, sandalwood, jasmine, orange
Best DoTerra blend to use = PEACE or PASSION
For Meditation
Best oils to use: frankincense, vetiver, ylang ylang, patchouli
Best DoTerra blend to use = PEACE
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$173.33 CAD
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$52.67 CAD
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